
On November 15, 2024, Durga Poudel, Ph.D. was inducted into LAI by Charles Reith, Ph.D., a LAI FL Suncoast Chapter member, at an impressive event hosted at University of Louisiana, Lafayette. After Charles' introduction and his induction ceremony, Durga gave a superb presentation on A Journey to Ecological and Environmental Sustainability based on the Asta-Ja Framework he developed over the past decades.

Lord Keynes, when he was accused of holding different opinions at different times, had famously remarked: “…..when circumstances change, I change my opinion. What do you do sir?” I think in these days of breathtaking and disruptive changes in the circumstances all around us, we all need to be “Keynesians Now”…. at least in this respect.

Do you know the difference between a Land Economics Weekend (LEW) and a Land Economics Gathering (LEG)? Is Montreal, PQ. Canada on your bucket list? LAI wants you informed on both fronts:  read on!

On November 21, the recently chartered LAI FL Suncoast Chapter hosted its first meeting as an official chapter! With over 50 attendees and six LAI-member inductees, the meeting was a grand success.

Baltimore shares a Year in Review report showcasing the 2023 and 2024 highlights of the Chapter.

At the LAI 2024 Annual Gathering in Phoenix, LAI Global President Kathy King announced the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter charter at the Awards Dinner on October 16, 2024. FL Suncoast Chapter Board Member Jay Brady accepted the chapter charter; in his remarks, Jay emphasized the local and global teamwork that culminated in developing a chapter. 

On June 13, the LAI Global Water-Land Series Group hosted the Introduction to Water and Land Economics Global Webinar; introductory in nature, the webinar was designed as a foundation for a plethora of future webinars on more specific topics. The three esteemed panelists were LAI members from chapters across North America.

The Board of Governors extends its congratulations to Susannah Bergmann who has been nominated by the Baltimore Chapter and selected by the International Awards Committee as the 2024 International Member of the Year. 

The Board of Governors of Lambda Alpha International Land Economics Society (LAI) has chosen Hazel Ruth Edwards, Ph.D., FAICP, the 2024 recipient of its Richard T. Ely Distinguished Educator Award. 

In recognition for his contribution to the principles, practices and greater awareness of land economics through the publication of his books Building the Skyline and Cities in the Sky.

This award recognizes a project or policy identified by the host Land Economics Gathering Chapter and vetted by the International Awards Committee. The Central Arizona Project (CAP) delivers water to over 80% of Arizonans, or nearly six million people in Maricopa, Pinal and Pima counties.

On June 13 LAI FL Suncoast inducted four new LAI At-Large Members at an event focused on Affordable Housing hosted by the Gulf Coast Community Foundation.

LAI San Diego member, Alan Nevin, shares a chapter of his book, The Next Half Century. 

LAI FL Suncoast members joined the Elemental Impact (Ei) 4Roots Farm Campus Tour on May 17. The tour featured the multiple-award-winning Education Center, the first building in Florida to attain the energy-petal certification of the Living Building Challenge, a monumental achievement!

The LAI Global Initiative has tackled the publicized challenges of the real estate appraisal industry in the U.S. in a five part webinar series – you won’t want to miss joining this discussion by industry and academic leaders.

Photo courtesy of National Fair Housing Alliance

LAI New York Chapter held a special gathering on May 15, 2024 at Rizzoli Bookstore on Broadway and 26th Street, where our chapter's very own Vice President Jason Barr released his new book Cities In The Sky: The Quest to Build the World’s Tallest Skyscrapers.

On Thursday, April 25, 2024, the LAI Suncoast Chapter underdevelopment hosted its second official event at one of Lakewood Ranch’s (LWR) three town centers. LAI VP Craig Binning traveled from Toronto to attend the meeting, educate on the value of LAI membership, and induct four new members. It was a stellar event.

Gina Caruso, Chicago Region Chapter, shares from her travels to Copenhagen in March and encourages you to attend the LAI Copenhagen Regional Study Tour and visit one of the happiest places on earth.


KeyNotes is the online publication of Lambda Alpha International and contains articles written by the members, chronicles chapter activities and successes, and celebrates member awards and accomplishments. Posts are distributed to the global membership and published within LAI’s social-media network. KeyNotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on KeyNote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.” Check out the latest articles today!

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