“Reflections in Stone and Bronze” is reviewed by Alan Nevin, San Diego Chapter, LAI Fellow and LEF Board Member. Cheryl explores how land economics is an essential part of Hawaiian history and culture.
Anil Hatkar, Founder President of Aum Chapter, Pune, India, hosted this webinar at the behest of the LAI Global Initiative Committee consisting of eminent members – Gary Leach (International President), Leslie Pollock (Past President ) and Richard Cook (Global Initiatives).
The LAI Land Economics Foundation has sponsored foundational research in cooperation with Property Research Trust of London on the topic: ‘Measuring housing wellbeing for disaster victims in Japan and India: A capability approach.’
Photograph courtesy of World Vision India
The Board of Governors of Lambda Alpha International Land Economics Society (LAI) has chosen Prof. Uwe S. Brandes of Georgetown University as the 2022 recipient of its Richard T. Ely Distinguished Educator Award.
Uwe Brandes was nominated by John Schlichting, International Assistant Treasurer and Past President, GW Chapter, and, by Patty Nicoson, GW Awards Chair.
Photos courtesy of Uwe Brandes; Georgetown University
THIS NOTICE is to solicit expressions of interest or candidate recommendations from all active members of LAI.
Click below for more information. Please respond by Jan. 15, 2023.
Elizabeth Davison, Director of Housing and Community Affars (Retired), Montgomery County, MD, was named International Member of the Year at the Los Angeles Land Economics Weekend Awards Banquet October 15.
The Award was presented by Jim Fawcett, PhD, International Awards Committee Chair. Elizabeth was nominated by Joel Kline, GW Chapter President, and Patty Nicoson, GW Awards Chair.
Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Davison
On September 22, 2022, the New York Chapter hosted a special regional event featuring guest speaker Brian Fritsch of The Regional Plan Association with a lunch presentation followed by a guided tour of the MTA Pennsylvania Station, Moynihan Station, and the surrounding neighborhood renovation.
Photo courtesy of Bob Madden
Our aging populations affect every part of land economics.
In a provocative new article, Alan Nevin, Economist, LAI Fellow, San Diego Chapter member and Director, Land Economics Foundation, lays out our aging world in stark economic terms.
Jump into Comments following the article. Tell us how aging populations impact your practice.
Photo by Sven Mieke for Unsplash
The LAI Skyline Award was announced during the Sacramento Land Economics Weekend in May. The Skyline Award recognizes noteworthy and commendable instances of the practical application of the principles of land economics in the preservation, development or utilization of our land resources.
Photo courtesy of LAI LEW Committee and SMUD Museum
The International Public Official of the Year award is presented either to a public official who, through his or her efforts—technical, managerial or other significant effort—has made a notable contribution to improving the quality of urban life or to a person who has made outstanding contributions to urban affairs and who has advanced the frontiers of knowledge via research and/or practice.
Photo courtesy of Paul DesJardin
On behalf of the Awards Committee, Dr. James Fawcett, LAI Past President, Fellow and Awards Committee Chair, congratulates Roger Showley of the San Diego Chapter, on this important international recognition.
Photo courtesy of Roger Showley
Member of the Year is selected from Chapter nominations of Chapter Member of the Year honorees for the current or prior year by the International Awards Committee.
The Award is based upon commitment to Lambda Alpha, to the nominee’s profession, and to land economics with respect to achievement in the private or public sectors, research or education.
Alan Nevin, LAI San Diego Chapter member and LAI Fellow follows up his 2021 Economic Review with an astonishing treatise on Russia’s long-standing economic problems. “Russia: A Dying Nation” is jammed with insights and is a must-read for every LAI member.
Friendships develop and strengthen among Ely Chapter members and non-members in informal group of typical LAI outgoing, talented and thoughtful people.
John Leonard, Sacramento President, gives Todd Cabanban the big picture.
“The Next Chapter – Sacramento” is Episode 3 in our series of video interviews with every LAI Chapter President. Sacramento Chapter is doing great things – you’ll want to catch on this fast-paced interview.
This past year has been almost without precedence, both on an international and national level. We have experienced at least 12 plagues.
Todd Cabanban and John Leonard, Sacramento Chapter President, preview the LEW May 5-7.
Todd Cabanban chats with Susan Todani
“The Next Chapter - Aloha” brings you up to date on what makes our Aloha Chapter so vibrant. Catch up in this lively video interview with Susan Todani, immediate Past President.
Chapter Presidents, we know you’ll want to participate - Communications will be in touch.