THIS NOTICE is to solicit expressions of interest or candidate recommendations from all active members of LAI.
Click below for more information. Please respond by Jan. 15, 2021.
THIS NOTICE is to solicit expressions of interest or candidate recommendations from all active members of LAI.
Click below for more information. Please respond by Jan. 15, 2021.
Will workers return to their offices? If so, how soon?
Eighty LAI members from around the world offered their informed opinions during our October 30th Global Webinar.
In a recent survey of LAI Members across the globe we received an excellent response and strong support for more webinar sessions on cross-chapter topics.
A multi-university team led by Dr. Justin Hollander, PhD, FAICP, Tufts University, and supported by a grant from LEF, has undertaken the first research on the impact of social media and the use of “bots” on land use decisions.
On June 16, 2020, John Ahmann, President & CEO, Westside Future Fund presented on the work Westside Future Fund has done to help encourage workforce-housing development in the Westside. From zoning law changes to direct funding and everything in between Westside Future Fund has spearheaded the redevelopment of Atlanta’s Westside neighborhoods.
The new Board of Directors of LAI-MADRID chapter, chaired by Chapter President Francisco Fernández-Ordóñez, held their first LAI Lunch at the Intercontinental Hotel in Madrid. Gonzalo Montoya-García, Facility Manager Head of AIRBUS Spain, participated as a special guest and speaker.
Montoya-Garcia spoke on “Assets and Facility Management Adding Value in Real Estate.”
Read the KeyNotes post, including the ppt presentation.
Atlanta Chapter Member and Elemental Impact (Ei) Founder Holly Elmore shares Ei’s important accomplishments over the past decade in a Better than US podcast interview. Intertwined within the success stories, Holly shares two primary keys to maximizing impact: live your Truth and flow with energy.
Can we bring the people back to the street after COVID-19 shutdown that has also accelerated the rise of online retail? This paper argues that the revival of these streets depends on a recognition of their role in the national economy, addressing environmental concerns and maintaining social diversity in the core.
Two Ely Chapter members, Les Pollock and Jon DeVries, have written a bold call for a comprehensive plan for their city: Chicago 2033. The call notes that Chicago is becoming “two cities” and cites historic research from Planning Chicago, a book underwritten in part by the Land Economics Foundation.
In a dynamic article in Crain’s Chicago Business, Les and Jon point out the dangers of delay, lessons learned and the vision a new plan can fulfill. What is the state of your city plan? Read the post, join the conversation in comments.
At its first quarterly meeting, the LAI Aloha Chapter welcomed nine new members. The meeting program included a presentation by Ed Sniffen, Deputy Director for Highways, Hawaii Department of Transportation.
The San Diego chapter of LAI held its annual Crystal Globe initiation banquet on February 1 at the elegant Westgate Hotel in downtown San Diego. More than 100 persons were in attendance to applaud the event.
Sonoran Desert Chapter inducts 16 new members!
On December 27 LAI lost a good friend who reached us far beyond the copy on the page of one of his news columns. We take a moment to remember his lasting legacy and guide to the future.
Rachel Edds, President of Land Economics Foundation (LEF), announced guidelines for 2020 research grants to advance the field of land economics.
“We are distributing this information broadly in the planning and real estate communities, and we are particularly interested in engaging LAI Chapters in collaborative projects. I invite members to consider how your Chapter might participate, as other Chapters have with remarkable projects.”
This is an invitation to all members of LAI to nominate candidates to be named a Fellow of Lambda Alpha International.
Home to one of the densest (if not the densest) district of LEED-certified event space in the world, Atlanta is the greenest convention, sports, and entertainment destination in the world. Atlanta's stellar sustainability commitment is one of the city's strongest economic drivers.
The International Board of LAI has the ability to recognize selected active members as “International Fellows”. Fellows are members who are recognized for significantly advancing the purposes, organization and/or growth of LAI. A maximum of two members may be elected each year.
We look further into the work of Richard Ely to bring method and substance to considering America’s burgeoning cities and suburbs. Both his vision and integrity continue to bring us inspiration and guidance across time and space.
KeyNotes is the online publication of Lambda Alpha International and contains articles written by the members, chronicles chapter activities and successes, and celebrates member awards and accomplishments. Posts are distributed to the global membership and published within LAI’s social-media network. KeyNotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on KeyNote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.” Check out the latest articles today!