
GW Chapter presents awards for Outstanding Plan and Outstanding Project.

UC San Francisco is seeking an Assistant Vice Chancellor of Real Estate.

LAI Atlanta President Jim Viviano was featured in the Wall Street Journal.

Elliott D. Pollack, one of the most well-respected economists in the Arizona industry, presented on the current economic status.

Alan Nevin, KeyNotes Editor

Amtrack selects team led by Beatty Development for Penn Station overhaul.

GBBR was apparently our country’s first real estate association, founded in 1858. 

The Aloha Chapter’s December 1 Quarterly luncheon at the Oahu Country Club featured Dr. Richard Vuylsteke, CEO of the East West Center, as its speaker.

Gil Kelly, General Manager of Planning for the City of Vancouver, presents Housing Vancouver Strategy to City Council.

Rachel Edds receives Baltimore Chapter Member of the Year Award.  "Transform Baltimore" receives Special Chapter Award.

Two new LAI Atlanta members receive award.

Succeeding in the Age of Dead Malls, Amazon & Online Competition

Tim Trefzer and Michael Halicki, two new LAI Atlanta members, receive awards.

Hickory Grove Farm is an iconic case study in soil rebuilding.

Baltimore is where we held the first LEW in 2000, where our “founder” Richard T. Ely launched his career, and where we will continue to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Baltimore Chapter! 

David Callies, one of the founders of the Aloha Chapter and current chapter historian, received the 2017 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Prize during the William & Mary Law School's annual Property Rights Conference.  

Nathan Moeder, a member of the San Diego LAI chapter, will be teaching in the new Real Estate and Development program at the University of California San Diego.


KeyNotes is the online publication of Lambda Alpha International and contains articles written by the members, chronicles chapter activities and successes, and celebrates member awards and accomplishments. Posts are distributed to the global membership and published within LAI’s social-media network. KeyNotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on KeyNote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.” Check out the latest articles today!

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