
Member Richard Brasher has recently returned from Nice France and the regional area that surrounds it. His take on the transportation systems in France is well worth a read. 

A crash course in TIF financing from two of the Nation’s most experienced experts on the topic.

Densification is the most economical strategy for providing moderate priced housing in today's world. Densification drives down the cost of public services on a per unit basis and is the necessary ingredient in tomorrow's increasingly urban transit-oriented metropolitan areas.

LEF is now a major force in providing funds for cutting-edge economic studies. In the past 3 years, LEF has funded 15 major studies thanks to contributions by LAI members.

The LAI San Diego Chapter had over 30 members attend the 1 hour long walk-through of the seven story residential project currently underway in the Bankers Hill neighborhood near downtown San Diego.

On Tuesday, June 4, 2019, Invest Atlanta President & CEO Dr. Eloisa Klementich presented on Increasing Economic Prosperity And Equity For All Of Atlanta at the Atlanta LAI Chapter lunch meeting.

A look at efforts by a non-profit to improve South Baltimore’s built environment & neighborhoods.

Ann McAfee, LAI Vancouver, received the 2018 International Member of the Year award from James Fawcett, Awards Committee Chair. Submit your nomination for the 2019 International Member of the Year!

Santa Clarita, CA is honoring Fereydoon Ghaffari, AICP, LA Chapter, with a bronze plaque to be located in the City’s Old Orchard Park in celebration of his innovative designs for the City’s paseos which were an integral part of the master plan he created

On May 1, 2019 LAI hosted the Rio Piedras Professional Advisory Delegation (PAD) in partnership with the Fideicomiso para el Desarrollo de Río Piedras (FDRP).

Now ready for your Chapter presentation and website. This cutting edge grant studies where public health and property analysis intersect.  Schedule this 20-minute video for a Chapter event soon. Plan on a great discussion!

Aloha Chapter initiates 10 new members.

Now available for your Chapter presentation and website. How do you preserve a city’s planning history?  Schedule this 20-minute video for a Chapter event soon. A great discussion will follow.

June 7, 1950 – February 2, 2019

Bob Lefenfeld, of Real Property Research Group, and Abigail Ferretti, of Partners for Economic Solutions, provided the Baltimore Chapter of LAI with an overview of the residential market in the U.S, emphasizing the greater Baltimore area market within the macro picture. 

Share this inspiring LEF story with your Chapter. Present the 20-minute video at an event, post on the chapter website and send link to your members. 

As part of its annual installation ceremony, the chapter honors a local citizen who has been an icon of the San Diego community and a civic leader.


KeyNotes is the online publication of Lambda Alpha International and contains articles written by the members, chronicles chapter activities and successes, and celebrates member awards and accomplishments. Posts are distributed to the global membership and published within LAI’s social-media network. KeyNotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on KeyNote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.” Check out the latest articles today!

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