
In 2023 LAI Baltimore members participated on an Architecture and Urban Design Exchange Trip between Baltimore, Maryland and Rotterdam, The Netherlands with students and faculty from Baltimore’s Morgan State University School of Architecture + Planning and the Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst. And another trip is planned for 2024.  

LAI President Kathy King traveled from Los Angeles and LAI Past President, LAI Fellow, and New Chapter Development Chair Steven Gragg from El Paso, Texas to support the underdevelopment LAI Suncoast Chapter. The three-day visit was filled with a multitude of activities, including local tours, individual induction ceremonies and culminating with a prestigious November 28 event; a total of 13 new At-Large members were inducted into LAI.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 26, 2023, 9 – 10:30 PDT for the LAI Global Initiatives sponsored webinar series on Home Ownership in Transition - A Canada-California Comparison. The initial webinar will feature a moderated panel with experts from the legal, insurance and regulatory perspectives, and provide LAI members the opportunity to query the panelists. 

Confirmed speakers are Wendy Moir, CEO and Registrar, Ontario Home Construction Regulatory Authority; Tamara L. Boeck, Partner Stoel Rives LLP and Kerry Nagy, Vice-President – Underwriting, Travelers Canada. Based on member feedback, future webinars will focus on one or more of the topics explored in the opening event.   

Photos of LAI Home Ownership in Transition header, courtesy of Ken Cameron, Tim Youmans and Rick Cook

LAI members from the Sacramento and Atlanta Chapters as well At-Large members from Dorset, England and Sarasota, FL participated in the May 25 Eco Justice for ALL Dialogue, Environmental Stewardship: the business perspective. The Temple of Understanding invited Elemental Impact Founder & CEO and At-Large member (Sarasota, FL) Holly Elmore to orchestrate and moderate the empowering 60-minute dialogue.

In their dialogues, Stephanie Barger (Sacramento,) Tim Trefzer (Atlanta,) and Simon Lamb (At-Large) showcased business community leadership in environmental stewardship.

Businessman and philanthropist Warren K.K. Luke, longtime member of LAI Aloha Chapter, was recently selected in this year's group of Ellis Island Medal of Honor recipients.  The Ellis Island Honor Society awards medals to distinguished people of diverse backgrounds who have selflessly worked to better their community. Luke accepted the medal at a ceremony at Ellis Island on May 13, 2023.

Photo of Warren Luke, Courtesy of Aloha Chapter

The Board of Governors extends its congratulations to Richard A. Wilson who has been nominated by the Ely Chapter and selected by the International Awards Committee as the 2023 International Member of the Year. Richard has been a member of LAI for 17 years.

When she returned to her hometown Sarasota, FL in 2021, former Atlanta Chapter Board member Holly Elmore formed an environmental Leadership Group (LG) on the central Florida Gulf Coast focused on water quality and its land economics impact. Two years later, the LG boasts ten members, all prominent environmental leaders and LAI At-Large members, and an impressive track record of accomplishments.

Sheila Harris, PhD, Immediate past President of LAI International, welcomed the group to the first in a series of presentations focused on housing affordability. She introduced the Moderator, Carole Galante, who presented the topic, “Housing Affordability - The Missing Middle.” 

The panel of experts from the U.S. and Canada presented success stories and the challenges that exist for those needing livable, affordable housing options.

In 2020-21 COVID intervened to cancel LAI Award Ceremonies during which Christopher Leinberger would be recognized as 2021 Educator of the Year. This well-deserved honor was presented at the Los Angeles LEW.  

Photo courtesy of George Washington Chapter

The February 17 Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact global webinar was the second program in an eighteen-month series about water and land economics around the globe hosted by the LAI Global Water Group.

LAI At-Large Members from Florida’s Central Gulf Coast shared on global-coastal-water challenges along with the economic impact to the local and regional communities. With a well-orchestrated plan, via the Water Playbook, community organizations execute programs designed to prevent water contamination from land use and to cleanse contaminates in the water.

Economist Alan Nevin, LAI Fellow, San Diego Chapter, takes a deep dive into a changing population, competitive challenges offshore and much more.  You’ll want to read this astonishing paper.

Unsplash Photo by Jerry Wang

Ann Gray, a member of the RICS Governing Council and now, 2023 President Elect of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors was recently inducted as a new LAI member by Max Farrell, London Chapter President.

Photo courtesy of Max Ferrell

Long time friendships are one of the great benefits of LAI membership.

Photo courtesy of Cheryl Soon, PhD., FAICP

The LAI Land Economics Foundation sponsored research examining the role and potential risk of automated social media accounts in participatory planning processes related to land development, including the development of a Twitter bot to test a range of cyber influencing strategies

Photograph courtesy of Justin Hollander

“Reflections in Stone and Bronze” is reviewed by Alan Nevin, San Diego Chapter, LAI Fellow and LEF Board Member.  Cheryl explores how land economics is an essential part of Hawaiian history and culture.

Anil Hatkar, Founder President of Aum Chapter, Pune, India, hosted this webinar at the behest of the LAI Global Initiative Committee consisting of eminent members – Gary Leach (International President), Leslie Pollock (Past President ) and Richard Cook (Global Initiatives).

The LAI Land Economics Foundation has sponsored foundational research in cooperation with Property Research Trust of London on the topic: ‘Measuring housing wellbeing for disaster victims in Japan and India: A capability approach.’  

Photograph courtesy of World Vision India

The Board of Governors of Lambda Alpha International Land Economics Society (LAI) has chosen Prof. Uwe S. Brandes of Georgetown University as the 2022 recipient of its Richard T. Ely Distinguished Educator Award. 

Uwe Brandes was nominated by John Schlichting, International Assistant Treasurer and Past President, GW Chapter, and, by Patty Nicoson, GW Awards Chair.

Photos courtesy of Uwe Brandes; Georgetown University


KeyNotes is the online publication of Lambda Alpha International and contains articles written by the members, chronicles chapter activities and successes, and celebrates member awards and accomplishments. Posts are distributed to the global membership and published within LAI’s social-media network. KeyNotes are submitted by LAI members. Many submissions reflect the author’s professional opinions and views on relevant issues concerning the organizational mission and purpose of LAI. LAI, as an organization, does not take a position on KeyNote submissions, and supports providing an open forum of ideas forwarded for thoughtful consideration. Submissions should not be construed as LAI endorsements.” Check out the latest articles today!

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