Emilia Gomez Delgado, Madrid Chapter

Anilkumar J. Hatkar, G.D. Arch, F, I.I.A., F.I.V., PEATA, AESA, has been named Assistant Vice President, Asia Pacific Rim of Lambda Alpha International (LAI) – lai.org – the honorary society of advancement in land economics with professionals across the globe in land use.

Our chapter began the year with an Induction, Awards and Installation Dinner at the Pacific Club on January 14th.

The Minnesota LAI annual meeting and luncheon will be held at the Minneapolis Club on Wednesday, April 13th.

Economic growth in 2016 continues to be relatively modest. While employment gains have been strong, wages have not yet kept pace with employment growth.

The Nominating Committee of LAMBDA ALPHA INTERNATIONAL, under the LAI By-law, is a standing committee of the Board of Governors charged with recommending a candidate slate, for each two (2) year term, of the Executive Committee.

Former international vp/Pacific Asian Region David Callies delivered a paper on housing discrimination at the request of the Tokyo Chapter at its annual dinner meeting on the evening of June 22d at the newly-renovated Tokyo Station Hotel in Tokyo.

Please be reminded that commentaries by Chapter and Executive Committee Members are expected on the 2017-22 LAI Strategic Plan Review, by February, 2016.

LAI Baltimore Chapter – May, 2016 meeting
Michael S.Cordes, Scribe
LAI Baltimore Chapter

Approximately fifty members of the Aloha Chapter of LAI met for its quarterly luncheon meeting at the Oahu Country Club on June 3d to hear Connie Mitchell, Executive Director of the Institute for Human Services (IHS) discuss the problem of homelessness in Honolulu.

Eric Gilbert, EVP of Tradepoint Atlantic visited the Baltimore LAI Chapter on February 17, 2016 to provide an overview of the transformation of the former Sparrows Point steel making facility into Tradepoint Atlantic, an “East-coast Logistics Port Hub”.

View the presentation from Gary Palmer, Senior Manager, San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank