Active Member, LAMBDA ALPHA/Local Chapter:
A member who currently pays LAMBDA ALPHA AND LOCAL CHAPTER DUES.
Active Member, LAMBDA ALPHA At-Large:
A member who currently pays LAMBDA ALPHA At-Large dues.
Inactive Member:
A member who does not currently pay dues. Such inactive members do not have the option to be an active member of a local chapter.
Retired Member:
A member of LAMBDA ALPHA who, regardless of years as an Active Member, has retired from significant income-producing involvement in work associated with land economics. Determination of retired status rests solely with the individual; and, a member who is in fact retired, but wishes to do so may continue to have Active Member status by paying active member dues.
Emeritus Member:
A member who has maintained active status for twenty (20) years, has served in leadership positions at the Chapter or International level; and has retired from professional work associated with land economics. A nomination for Emeritus status may be made by vote of a Chapter's Board and/or by the International Board. The International Board of Governors shall ratify all Emeritus elections. There shall be no International or Chapter dues required for Emeritus Members.
Honorary Member:
An individual who by the nature of his or her professional background is not otherwise eligible for nomination and initiation into LAMBDA ALPHA but who, by his or her contributions to the furtherance of the mission of LAMBDA ALPHA, deserves recognition; Honorary membership may be nominated by a local chapter or by petition of twenty active at-large-members of LAMBDA ALPHA and elected by the International Board of Governors. Honorary members are not required to pay dues.
International Fellow of LAMBDA ALPHA:
An active member whose efforts have significantly advanced the purposes, organization, or growth of LAMBDA ALPHA. Only the International Board of Governors shall confer fellowship and no more than two fellowships shall be conferred in each calendar year. The title of International Fellow is additive to any other category of membership except Honorary. There shall be no International or Chapter dues required for an International Fellow of LAMBDA ALPHA.Â