International Journalism/Author Award

This award is presented either to a journalist or an author whose efforts have contributed to a greater understanding of the principles, practices and greater awareness of land economics. The journalism award is for a sustained, exemplary contribution to a national or regional body of work.  The author award is for an exemplary book length publication.

International Journalism Award International Author Award

Roger Showley
The San Diego Union-Tribune
San Diego, CA

2015 James C. O'Connell, AICP
San Diego, California
2013 John King
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco, Calliforina
2009 Carol Colletta
CEOs for Cities
Chicago, Illinois
2009 John Plender
The Financial Times
London, United Kingdom
2007 John McCarron
Chicago Tribune
Chicago, Illinois
2005 Neal R. Peirce
Washington Post Writers Group
Washington, D.C.
2003 Roger K. Lewis, FAIA


2009 Professor Steven P. Erie
University of California
San Diego, California
2007 Anthony Downs
The Brookings Institute
Washington, DC
2003 Professor Kotaka
Tokyo, Japan
2001 Jane Jacobs
Toronto, Ontario