Land Economics Weekend

Hotel Le Germain is booked. Contact Leslie Yager, LEW Co-chair, for assistance in finding a hotel.
Leslie Yager,
There are two Hotel Le Germain locations in Toronto. Verify you are booking at the location on Mercer Street not Maple Leaf Square.
A limited block of sleeping rooms have been reserved on a first come first served basis for LEW attendees at a discounted rates.
Call +1 416-345-9500 to make their hotel reservations. Attendees must ask for the Lambda Alpha room block.
Rates are $285 Canadian/night for single (plus applicable taxes and fees). The reservation deadline is August 23, 2016 at 4:00pm EST.
Cancellations received 10 days prior to the event will be fully refunded. Due to venue contracts we are not able to provide refunds to cancellations within 10 days prior to the event.